I was sitting here, thinking about kittehs. Mostly about what they bring to my life, or rather, our lives.
When Gary and I first got together, between the two of us, we had three dogs. We enjoyed every second with them. They went everywhere with us. We even took them steelhead fishing with us. I was devastated when my Shy-dog died. She was an old dog, and it was in her time. But still, just thinking about how much I feel her loss makes me cry. We lost the other two about 6 months later, due to a horrifying case of steelhead poisoning. Neither one of us had ever heard of it. It is a devastating thing to have to watch. What it does is terrible. And is only curable if you catch it in the first three days, but it doesn`t show symptoms for a week.
Gary was always adament about hating cats. He would not even entertain the thought of having one. Then,
someone dropped off a female cat at work. She had kittens, six of them. When they were about 4 weeks old, she brought them out of hiding, and we were able to socialize with them. I so wanted one. I had it all picked out. A siamese colored female, gentle, loved to cuddle. It was not to be. One of the kittens wore Gary down. A black male. He hissed, and spit at everyone. He would keep the other kittens away from the canned kitten food I put out to supplement the milk they got from Momma. Unbeknownst to me, every night, when it got quiet, Gary would sit on the fire escape, and watch the kittens at play. The mean little black kitten would climb his leg, crawl into his lap, and sleep. Gary was hooked. So, when I was whining about how much I wanted to give one of these babies a home, Gary told me that if we got one, it had to be this one.
I brought the little hissing ball of black fur home, and he was so tiny!! He could not jump from either of our chairs, to the tv tray we have between them. He had us wrapped around his tiny little paws!
A few months later, Morgan shows up, with these two grey fluff balls that she had been raising since they were only a few days old. Bugsy and Diablo (very appropriate for the monster kitteh!) became instant friends. So, Bugsy moved in. And they were so close, always together, playing, sleeping, whatever.
A few years later, Gary tells me we have this little grey kitten hanging around. I finally got a look at her one September afternoon. And, in the course of a few hours, was holding her in my arms. I had to run to the store, and when I returned, Gary had set her up with food and water. I told him, that meant that we were responsible for her now. And he looked at me, and said "take her in, let the boys get to know her". She is two now..
And then, this spring, while we were camped during steelhead season, this bobbed tail, black female wandered into camp. She is so sweet. I had her sleeping with us the first night. She was obviously very loved by someone. So, we put up notices, made inquiries, but no one would claim her. Well, I would not leave her. So....... We named her Liza..... She is my baby......
Ok, lets recount, shall we? Gary, self confirmed cat hater, Sleeps with his cat, Diablo. Gets his head licked all night by Diablo. Gives Diablo a quick rub down, and brushing at least three times a day. They take naps together, Feeds him off of his plate, lets him drink out of his glass. They are inseperable.
I think it is an amazing relationship. And very good for the both of them. And me as well. I get to share the house, and my life with four amazing and loving cats. I would not trade them for anything!
Cats are amazing creatures. Everyone should be so lucky to be loved by one, or more. And how people can abuse them, I dont understand. It takes a cruel person to intentionally hurt a creature who wants nothing more than to be loved. Cats give unconditional love. It might not be when you want it, or how. Opening your heart to a cat, means getting a lifetime of love in return.
when you makes a blog like this, you has to give pictures too... you know, for teh fans of teh kittehs. >^..^<
oh yeah and good blog!!!
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